Thank you very much for visiting us.
We got damaged by the horrible earthquake on Jan. 1st in Wajima, Japan.
Our head office and craftsmen’s atelier were destroyed, and our new gallery which is scheduled to open at the end of January was burned down because of the fire after the earthquake. We can not make Wajimanuri lacquerware right now.
It is a really serious and tough situation for us, however, we try our best to come back, and we are sure to rebuild our business even if it takes some years.
We need to rebuild everything from the zero ground, and it must be a tough challenge. However, it is our mission to revive and inherit the Japanese proud tradition of Wajimanuri lacquerware.
For all overseas supporters, we would ask you to support us to revive our business and the whole Wajimanuri industry. We opened a new crowdfunding page on the Japanese platform; READY FOR, and it is also written in English.
It would be great if you take a look at our English page, and would be wonderful if you support us or share the page link.
We appreciate your warm message and huge support.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes,
